Hi there, I’m Mandy
If you’re a highly sensitive, overachieving, chronically stressed leader, I can help you
heal the root of it all… and replace chronic
fatigue and stress with energy and peace!
I want to decode my fatigue & get to the heart of what’s stealing my energy
I’m a leader who wants to heal my past to create a bigger impact in the world
Hi there, I’m Mandy
If you’re a highly sensitive, overachieving, chronically stressed leader, I can help you heal the root of it all… and replace chronic fatigue and stress with energy and peace!
I want to decode my fatigue & get to the heart of what’s stealing my energy
I’m a leader who wants to heal my past to create a bigger impact in the world
I’m so glad you’re here…
Whether you identify as a high performing corporate badass, entrepreneur, or a stay at home parent, it’s easy to see you’ve built a successful life. You’ve got the job, the home, the relationship, the kids…from the outside you’ve got “the perfect life”.
Yet behind closed doors it doesn’t feel perfect to you.
Behind closed doors you struggle to find the energy and vitality that you once had – waking up every day feeling tired and depleted while battling chronic health issues, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, overwhelm, anxiety and stress.
You struggle with feeling unworthy, unseen, unheard, unfulfilled – not even really knowing who you are anymore or what to do to change the situation.
The common theme of your life has been…
to shape shift and you’ve been doing it for as long as you can remember – shaming and hiding parts of yourself that are too painful to share and shifting into parts that make you more “acceptable” to the outside world.
Likely you learned this during your childhood as a survival tactic (a brilliant one at that), from trauma or emotional wounds and it’s kept you safe and successful up to this point.
But what happens when you keep stuffing that closet with your deepest most painful emotions, feelings and experiences from past childhood trauma or emotional wounds…?
There comes a point where your body can no longer contain it…it’s the tipping point.
When you hit this tipping point your body can no longer hold the energy of those unresolved childhood experiences and it starts communicating to you through physical symptoms that it needs help. Symptoms like…

Anxiety & depression

Panic attacks & emotional outbursts

Autoimmune disorders like: Lupus, crohn's, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis

Gut dysfunction & leaky gut

Chronic health issues like: food sensitivities, thyroid imbalances, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia
The key to solving all this is facing and healing your past physical and emotional wounds, regulating your nervous system, embracing a gentle and nourishing lifestyle and learning how to identify, hear, and trust your intuition.
Healing these past wounds and thriving as your whole self is not only possible but it is your birthright!
Access These Powerful Resources to Say Goodbye to Fatigue, Regulate Your Emotions, & Transform Trauma

Get Started Decoding Your Fatigue

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Mandy Harvey is a leader in the field of trauma healing as well as an in-demand inspirational speaker. She specializes as a Trauma Healing Guide for nutrition and health coaches, helping them become the go to coach who can guide any client through their blocks and create lasting change.
Her super power is showing coaches how to bridge the gap between their nutrition education and their clients’ resistance to change and empowers them with vital trauma-informed expertise and somatic skills to help them successfully lead their clients through life-altering transformations.
Mandy’s extraordinary story of transforming her own life from devastating childhood trauma and a near death experience to courageously facing and healing (mentally, physically and emotionally) from the past, learning to embrace her authentic truth, and designing the life of her dreams, is the inspiration behind her bold mission to teach others that it is possible to do the same.